Adding Forms into Slides on v2 Editor

Decktopus introduces a user-friendly interface for seamlessly integrating form elements into your slides, let's see how to do it!

Forms offer a direct line of communication between presenters and their audience. Whether it's gathering feedback, conducting surveys, or capturing leads, forms enable real-time engagement and data collection. In the context of a presentation, forms can transform passive viewers into active participants, fostering a deeper connection and understanding. And Decktopus is here to offer you this feature in the best way you can use it.


Adding Font into a Slide 

  • Choose a deck and navigate to the editing page. From the "Elements" section, choose "Form."

Once the form takes place on your slide, click on it to make specific adjustments.

  • To arrange your form's position, you can choose the options we offer to you from the

"Elements" section.




  • You have the option to customize the form type to your preference from the "Add Here Form Type" section.

error icon
While you can add multiple questions to your form, please note that adding more than one form to a slide is not currently supported.

Form Properties


  • You can make additional changes by clicking "Form Properties." 

  • For example, you can activate the "Form Submitting is Required" to prevent viewers from advancing to the next slide without submitting the form.

  • You can also activate the "Enable GDPR Consent" button for transparency and data protection regulations. Additionally, You can draft your GDPR message for your viewers.



  • You can define the placeholder for free text input, option list, and rating

  • Moreover, you can customize the button texts and submission messages according to your preferences.



Form Questions


To create questions for your form, scroll down on the editing section and locate the "Questions" section.


  • From here, you can proceed with writing your questions and mark the "Required" option to require an answer before moving on to the next question.





  • If you prefer to receive answers accompanied by icons, you have the flexibility to select from the choices available in the "Choose Icon Style" section and adjust the number of icons as needed.




  • If you prefer to receive answers accompanied by choices you offer, you have the flexibility to select from a "Check List" or "Option List."


  • To remove additional choices, you can click on the trash button, or if you'd like to add more choices to your form, you can click on "Add Choice."

  • And lastly, you can change the last text according to your preferences by clicking "Button Text."


  • By clicking on the "Responses" option, you can view all responses to your questions. Additionally, all responses are forwarded to you via e-mail.

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By clicking on "Download Form", you can download all the responses to your device.

That's all!



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