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Adding collaborators

Simplify collaboration on a shared presentation for enhanced teamwork and productivity.

  • Start by opening the deck you want to work on. Click on the share icon. 

share 1-3


  • After clicking the "Add collaborators", type in the email address of the person you want to invite. Then, click "Add" to send them an invitation.


  • You can view the collaborators and adjust their permissions between "Can View" or "Can Edit”.
  • If you're part of an organization, your colleague must also be within the same organization to accept the invitation.
  • Your collaborator needs to have a Decktopus account with the same email address to receive the invitation.
  • If you're currently subscribed to our Pro AI plan or using the free version, please be aware that the option to collaborate with owners from other organizations (Business users) is not available. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for being part of our community. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

That's all!